Junior Ruby on Rails Web Developer
Studying philosophy and mathematics at an international university, analyzing company sales numbers and customer service cases through programming, and learning Ruby on Rails web development have made me into a uniquely talented worker. I can leverage big picture, global thinking with a focus on the details into web services that can truly make an impact. I am most passionate about consciousness and language, and how to efficiently and effectively bring people together for a better world.
Featured Projects
The Iron Yard Final Project - TagReader
This application allows you to log on with your Pocket account and will
fetch your untagged articles from your queue. As it imports the articles, the application connects to the
AlchemyAPI natural language processor and attaches key concepts as
tags. You can edit and then add these tags to the original article in your Pocket queue for better organization.
- Tech and tools used:
- Ruby on Rails, HAML, Javascript, jQuery, Semantic UI, AJAX, OmniAuth, Pocket API, AlchemyAPI, PostgreSQL, pg search