Welcome to my personal space of the web. My name is Dylan Massell, and I like to see myself as a philosopher. And I mean that in the mere sense of a lover of knowledge. Learning is my passion, whether it's coding and programing, mathematics and science, psychology and theology, music and art, history and law, or business and economics. These are areas that I have had some education or experience in, and have a deep interest in further pursuits. I will be using this site to showcase my work, experiences, what I've learned in these areas, as well as life in general. I'd be very grateful for your feedback or any oppurtunities you'd like to share. Don't hesitate to get in touch, and I hope you find interest in my ideas!


I have always had a love for knowledge, and with this site brings the opportunity to share what I've learned and my ideas on various issues. This is a truly amazing time to be alive, as we are slowly witnessing the development of a cooperative gloabal civilization. These are some blog posts and articles dealing with my philosophy and perspective on life, the universe, and everything.

Axioms Of The Set Theoretic Universe

On The Structure of the Set-Theoretic Universe [PDF]

I wrote this essay my senior year at University of St Andrews as a philosophical exploration of axiomatic systems within set theory. It seems difficult going back to it now, not much was argued for, however I feel it exposes the foundations for more modern constructivist views today.


Aside from my philosophical reasoning and computer programming skills, I find joy and happiness in my life through hobbies like attending concerts, collecting and exploring music, video games, billiards, card and board games, cooking, science fiction, and stay active with fencing, hiking and camping. I also enjoy travelling, especially international opportunities, exploring art galleries and museums, and meeting new people to learn their stories and perspectives. This area is dedicated to showcase my experiences with these interests.